…time to save on cost but not on quality…

General Data Protection Regulation

Privacy Declaration

This privacy declaration informs the users of this website in accordance with Federal Law of Private Data Protection and Telecommunication about the kind, the extent and the purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the web page operator Vulkan & Voss Ship Supplies GmbH. The Vulkan & Voss Ship Supplies GmbH takes your privacy very seriously and treats your personal data confidentially and in accordance with all current laws. However, data transfer within the internet may be subject to abuse that cannot be affected by the Vulkan & Voss Ship Supplies GmbH. A full–extent protection from an illegal access by third parties is not attainable.

1. Access data
2. Cookies
3. Handling personal data
4. Handling contact information
5. User’s rights of information, correction and deletion of data

1. Access data

Our web server by which these sites are operated, generates automatically log files, serving your protection as well. These logs contain the following information:

  • Time of access to our web sites (date, time)
  • IP-adresses
  • Files and pages accessed
  • Type of browser
  • Operating system

This data / information shall not be used to generate user profiles. It shall be used only to investigate cases with strong indication of illegal access.

2. Cookies

Our website does not use Cookies.

3. Handling of person related data

The Vulkan & Voss Ship Supplies GmbH uses your personal data exclusively for the purpose indicated by you. In addition we shall not change it and we shall not transfer it to third parties for any kind of evaluation, unless we have been authorized in writing by you. As person related data, we consider all Information, that serves to determine your person and that serves to show the path to your access for example your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number  etc..

4. Handling contact information

If you contact Vulkan & Voss Ship Supplies GmbH by the available contact information, all information conveyed by you is stored, so that we are enabled to adequately handle and respond to your request. This information shall not be passed on to third parties.

5. User’s rights for Information, correction and deletion

Upon your request we shall give all information free of cost, which person related data is stored by us. If your choose to change, lock or delete this data, we shall do so unless no laws or legal obligations are violated. E.g. Data retention of the Federal Government of Germany or legal storage obligations of the Tax Authorities.

Internet Links to related legal rules and laws, adhered to by Vulkan & Voss Ship Supplies GmbH:






